Friday, October 1, 2010

first time

It was a bit odd to do things like this because I am not a good writer, but I will try my best to make a good writing out of nothing for the sake of something that would make my life better.

I have the inclination to do blogging but my capacity to write always holds me back. However time flies and I realized that there is no harm in trying on to something that my heart dictates me to do so.

Thanks to my friends April Gail Banes and Avs Amigleo for the information and the idea on how to start blogging.

Now I am pressured on what to write next.


ian said...

nice article...

ian said...

not bad for a novice writer... looking forward for more interesting blogs in the future.. just continue writing...

Unknown said...

write about what's inside your bag... ;)
and your daily routine..

ReadWriteSnap said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReadWriteSnap said...

As in gisulat jud!!!

Anyway, you're writing is good. Don't ever doubt yourself. It's always the first time that's hard, but in the long run, you'll be able to do more. Welcome to the blogging world mic! I know that it will grow on you...mwah!

ReadWriteSnap said...

BTW, there was a deleted comment. See, that's the reason naay edit and no worries...heheh.

micmickaymickey said...

hehe..thanks Avs! ;-) hehe