Vegan diet? What’s with this diet that is different from any other diets? Well, it’s one of the good eating habit that could help you become fit and in shape.
Vegan diet is an eating habit that only raw vegetables and fruits were consumed and eliminates all animal products. This diet is good to all who wants to get fit and physically in shape. However, it does not connote to only staying fit and in shape but also it’s all about the religion, tradition and cultural beliefs.
When I heard about vegan diet, what pops up in to my mind is the pleasant effect to the people and most especially to their health, but at the back of my mind I thought of how would a person consume complete nutrients and minerals to their body? But that does not end there. I also asked myself the difference of vegan diet to all other diets that every individual applied to their daily lives.
Vegetarian diet comprises of eating raw vegetables and fruits diet and vegan diet that is the same with it though it gobbles up purely raw vegetables and fruits. When we say purely raw vegetable and fruits, it’s all about veggies and fruits with the absence of animal-derived products from foods to merchandises.
Talking about our primeval days, most natives happened to eat raw foods before the discovery of fire, and from then they were so healthy and reached the ages of more or less a hundred years old. The reason behind all of those was the complete nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they got from raw foods. Comparing to the present-day people, majority of them are relying on to the cooked or processed foods in which they believed to be healthier, without noticing the nutrients that are cart off during the process that is why more and more are suffering from ailments as young as they are.
Being a vegetarian depends on the religion, tradition and culture a person could be because some are into veganism because they were compelled for the sake of beliefs and health, so everyone are respected in a way they were raised to be.
Raw vegetables and fruits has its contents that meats and dairy products have the same like protein, carbohydrates and etc. so why worry about the deficient consumption of raw vegetables when in fact it is complete and very healthy with the aid of working out at the same time to stay fit and healthy. With the advantages of this diet, one of those is the convenience it gives to the vegans because there are various recipes that gives no hassle of using their oven or stove in preparing foods.
So, why not try this kind of diet?